Do you want to improve your online store?

Turn more visitors into customers with the Shopify Audit.

No hidden catch, we promise

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Tim Dekens, Femke Pasquino and 7 others...

Are already taking advantage of the Shopify audit.

Shopify Agency

Every month we select an ethical brand that wants to improve its online store.

In many cases, minor and straightforward improvements can significantly impact your online store. But you need to know how to find and correctly implement those improvements. That is why we invented the Shopify Audit to make it as easy as possible to get your website to the next level and not leave money on the table. We will thoroughly examine your website and put all the information into a practical document.

If you want to...

  • iconImprove your conversion rate
  • iconIncrease your average order value
  • iconImprove your user experience
  • iconIncrease your ROI on ad spent

Why are we doing this for free?

We are on a mission to help ethical brands grow, give them a stronger position in the market, and accelerate the plant-based transition. The importance of animal welfare and our planet is a deep belief that we want to protect at all costs. That's why we continue to provide free services for a better society. We see a lot of eCommerce websites that can be improved quite quickly, so we decided to introduce the Shopify Audit at no cost for selected brands. So we choose an ethical eCommerce store every month and give them a 100% free audit.

What can you expect?

We will dive deep into your online store's web pages and bring out the most significant improvements we can find. Then, after our research, we put them into a clear and practical document for you. Below you will find some visual examples of an audit we did.

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Is the audit really free

Yes, we see a lot of stores that can be improved quite quickly, and as we want to make an impact, we continue to provide free services for a better society.

Why just one store per month?

Every audit takes serious time and effort, and as we are not a charity, we can not put all our hours into free products.

What is in it for you guys?

What is in it for you guys? We hope that an ethical eCommerce brand gets more successful with every audit. We are not only money-driven. In our view, making an impact also represents growth.

How many improvements can I expect?

It depends on your online store's current state, but we deliver 5-15 improvements on average.

Why is my application rejected?

The free audit is for brands that score good ethical points. Because we only do one free monthly audit, we select the best match. Another reason your application is rejected is that your brand's values ​​are at odds with ours.

I got selected, but I need the audit earlier. Is that possible?

Free audits are planned according to a tight schedule, but we can schedule your audit earlier if you are willing to pay.

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Let me help you improve your online store. I promise you won’t regret it.
Ecommerce Designer
Roar Schouten

eCommerce designer

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Claim your free spot

  1. Claim your spot
  2. We process your application
  3. Get your audit